Recent content by Cableguy

  1. Cableguy

    B4J Question [ [B4X] BCTextEngine / BBCodeView - Text engine + BBCode parser + Rich Text View ] Is it possible to add collapsible text, like the Spoiller feature i

    Hi guys, I know, Iknow, the title is waaaaay tooooo loooong, but it needed to be! So, my question is in the title... Is it possible to create collapsible text, like the feature of this forum, or similar, like the subs in our IDEs
  2. Cableguy

    Please ask me

    I see and read each post you release about your creations, mostly out or curiosity, and I currently have no project were I could use them... Your solutions are just "one amongst many" or "a drop of water in the Ocean". I don't mean that they are of no interest, and they may even be simpler, or...
  3. Cableguy


    All it would have taken you was a bit of research...anyway...Here's
  4. Cableguy


    Probably wont help, but you can checkout my EXCELWRITER module... It takes data from a form, and creates custom excel ( readable in excel) files...
  5. Cableguy

    Fredrikson introduces himself

    Bemvindo, that is to say, welcome...
  6. Cableguy

    Is basic4android can communicate with HID USB Device?

    Android 3.0 and later is TABLET oriented, not "regular" phones...there will be some (a lot) of API's and features specific to the tablet platform, that an Android phone will not be able to use...such as the USB port that started this thread
  7. Cableguy

    Two activities & layouts visible simultaneously

    You can use one single activity view, and in it have x number of views(controls) and a Panel for admob, remember that admob has some specifications for the sizing...You can check out my Pairs4Android avaiable in the market, in wich I use admob...
  8. Cableguy

    Design for various devices

    This theme has been widely discussed here... The best bet is to design for a "normal" device, and then add the aditional layout variants in the designer...When setting in code the views dimensions or positions, use the dpi keyword, so thesetings are not absolut, but relative to the normal layout...
  9. Cableguy

    A way to return the name of the control that currently has focus?

    Most of the "visual" controls has an event called "GotFocus", triggered when the control ...well...get the focus, and another called "LostFocus"...I bet you know waht that means... I know its a nag to code a couple dozen GotFocus events to known wich got the focus, but with some code "teaks a...
  10. Cableguy

    is It Possible To Show A Loader In b4ppc

    Use Agraham's Threading dll, and use some flags to "tell" the foreground sub what has been done and what is beeing done in the background... You can in the foreground use an animation and update it upon flag setting, or just update a status bar, your choice
  11. Cableguy

    Happy birthday Cableguy

    To all of you, my friends, who thought of me today, my most sincere Thanks... @Klaus...I'm more of a Porto wine man...will surely have some tomorow ( Saturday is the boys night out!) @RandomCoder...Yeap, time flies ... especialy when among friends...I will raise my glass with you next year...
  12. Cableguy


    Hi All, Reading Klaus about the Merlot, I just realize that I am living in the Merlot region, at least I think I do...For those who know what this means, I am currently in the 49th Department, Saumur ville...If anyone is willing and lives near enougth, I'll be more that glad to buy you a cup of...
  13. Cableguy

    [WishList] Activity designer Device based

    The ability to design Activities and add views to it, without the Bridge, nor the Designer, using the device as a stand alone activity designer, would help create them faster, and more device acurate.
  14. Cableguy

    How to Login Web Page using HTTP?

    PM me details and I will try to help you, I once made something similar imn B4PPc, to logon to this forum, and go throu a few pages in it
  15. Cableguy

    How to Login Web Page using HTTP?

    Oá RUI(?) benvindo... Se consegues aceder drectamnte aa tua pagina UZO, usando o endereço que mencionas t, entao basta te usa-lo o webview para abrir a pagina, como se fosse uma pagina "normal"... qualquer coisa, apita por PM Hi Rui(?), Welcome If as you say you can access your UZO ebpage by...