Recent content by rwblinn

  1. rwblinn

    B4R Library rConceptinetics

    This is a B4R Library to control LED lights using the DMX512 protocol. The library rConceptinetics is partially wrapped and enhanced from this GitHub project. Test Setup Example (DMXController) An Arduino MEGA with Arduino DMX Shield runs a B4R program listening to serialized data holding the...
  2. rwblinn

    B4R Question [SOLVED] DMX Error multiple definition of '__vector_18'

    [SOLVED] Explored further and found a solution using the CQRobot DMX shield with the Conceptinetics library: Changed the hardware from Arduino UNO to Arduino MEGA Changed the Conceptinetics serial port from 0 to 1 in conceptinetics.h = use hardwareserial1 instead hardwareserial0 Set jumper...
  3. rwblinn

    B4R Question [SOLVED] DMX Error multiple definition of '__vector_18'

    Thanks for the hints. Got a step further: Have taken the generated Arduino project and add to all serial related the conditional B4R_SERIAL (basically 2 missing). In B4RDefines.h comment out the #define B4R_SERIAL. The project compiles in the Arduino IDE and runs as expected after uploading...
  4. rwblinn

    B4R Question [SOLVED] DMX Error multiple definition of '__vector_18'

    EDIT: SOLVED see post 5. Got an issue working on a project to control DMX lights using the DMX512 protocol. B4R 4.0, Arduino UNO, CQRobot DMX Shield Arduino. Started to explore how to use the Conceptinetics library with B4R. Prior developing with B4R tested a simple sketch with the Arduino IDE...