Recent content by schimanski

  1. schimanski

    B4J Question [Solved] Can anyone do anything with this error message?

    In fact, it was the keystore. It was obviously damaged. An exchange has made the problem superfluous. Thank you!
  2. schimanski

    B4J Question [Solved] Can anyone do anything with this error message?

    I tried to start a b4j-server on a STRATO-server. After calling server.start, i get this message on the remote-server. The jar-file is ok. It runs on several other machines. These are the key data from the server. The Java-Version is 11.0.22:
  3. schimanski

    New DJI-library

    Is anyone able to create a new DJI-library to support the Mavic 3 Enterprise and Mini 3 drones? I have no idea how much effort it takes. Maybe someone who is interested can give me a price for the implementation. Important would be the functions that are also available in the existing library...
  4. schimanski

    Android Tutorial SQL tutorial

    Thanks, Erel for your efforts! It is possible to download maptiles in ready sqlite-databases with the Desktop-application Mobile Atlas Creator, for example. I have downloaded such a database with a few maptiles in the OruxMaps SQlite-format. My question ist know, is it possible to get the...
  5. schimanski

    Android Tutorial SQL tutorial

    Storing maptiles in an sql-database Hello! I have still no experience with working with sql. So I need a sound rating, before I read several hours about it: Is it perhaps possible to strore maptiles (.png) in an sql-database? I'm still working with normal .png-files in my offline mapviewer...
  6. schimanski

    Zip/Unzip Library

    Unzip only a few files from a zip-file Im very interessted in the last question from Cor. I have tried something, but it doesn't work. Is there a way to unzip only one or a few files out of the whole zip-File? It will be useful by working with many tiles of maps.... Thanks for an answer....
  7. schimanski

    Updatefunction in application

    Hello! I have seen, that it is possible to download a new .apk-file and install this with an intent. But is it possible to make an update-button in the application, which should be updated? I mean, that the app is still running, when the update will be started..... Thanks for help...
  8. schimanski


    I get the exception above, after loading a map-file in the following code: Sub ListViewDatenbank_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object) Dim a() As String a= MapDatenbank.Get(Value) <= Exception!!!!!!!!!!! EditText1.Text=Value EditText2.Text=a(0)...
  9. schimanski

    Error, when changing the screen orientation

    I can't find the reason for the following errormessage: Sorry! The application Mapviewer(process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. It always happens after changing the device orientation. Some devices like the galaxy tab can change the orientation once...
  10. schimanski

    Share My Creation Openstreetmap Tilemapviewer

    Problem with changing the device orientation Hello! In every of the codes above, I have a problem with changing the device orientation. I have tested it on several devices and on the samsung galaxy tab it it possible to change the orientation two times, before i get an error. On other...
  11. schimanski

    Share My Creation Openstreetmap Tilemapviewer

    Hello DitchParrot! It is not possible to calculate a route to the markers, because we only need pictures as foundation in the mapviewer. To calculate a route, you have to use a database. But you can do something different: You can show the user the distance and the bearing to the marker...
  12. schimanski


    :BangHead: Thanks, agraham!!! that was the reason for the problem. :icon_clap:
  13. schimanski


    Hello Erel! Here some more code: 'Servicemodul Sub Process_Globals UKSP_length=0 Dim UKSP_Puffer_Bytes(100) As Byte Dim UKSP_Puffer(100) As Int Dim Bytes_wandeln As RandomAccessFile Dim filestreamAusgang As AsyncStreams ... ... Sub filestreamAusgang_NewData...
  14. schimanski


    I don't know the reason ist for this error. I only want to change signed bytes in unsigned bytes. It works sometimes, and sometimes not...:confused: Dim UKSP_Puffer(100) As Int Dim Bytes_wandeln As RandomAccessFile this is the part of the LogCat of the service...
  15. schimanski

    Freaky problem with two services

    Hello Erel, this is not the case. I have a third service, which sends the gps-data to a server, so I can see, that the GPS is still running, when the device is sleeping. The GPS will only stop, when the TTS-Service is running.....:confused: I can't understand the relation....