Recent content by Sergey_New

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    Android Question “Solved” How to get the decimal part of a number?

    Thanks to everyone who responded! The proposed solutions work. Therefore, I will mark “Solved” in the topic title.
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    Android Question “Solved” How to get the decimal part of a number?

    Checked if the number is 43.0 or 43 Changed the code If decimalPosition=-1 Then m=0 Else Dim decimalPart As String = latitudeString.SubString(decimalPosition + 1) m = decimalPart End If This is right?
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    Android Question “Solved” How to get the decimal part of a number?

    Daestrum, thank you! Tell me if your solution will work if there is no "." in the number?
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    Android Question “Solved” How to get the decimal part of a number?

    JohnC, thank you! This decision is clear to me. I was hoping that there was a special function in B4A.
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    Android Question “Solved” How to get the decimal part of a number?

    Dim latitude As Double=43.123456 Dim m As Long '... ' need to get the value m=123456 How to do it?
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    Share My Creation Genealogy program "Поколения"

    Version 6.0 available. The number of installations of the application is more than 1000!
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    Android Question Result from two procedures (Solved)

    josejad, thanks again for the link! And thanks to Erel for the solution, everything worked out!
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    Android Question Result from two procedures (Solved)

    Thanks, I'll look into it!
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    Android Question Result from two procedures (Solved)

    DonManfred, aeric Thank you! I read these manuals, but unfortunately I couldn’t do it. If possible, please help me with the code.
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    Android Question Result from two procedures (Solved)

    Two procedures f1 and f2 are launched from Activity, returning true or false. Dim a As Boolean=f1(x) Dim b As Boolean=f2(y) Each procedure may be completed before the other. I need to get the result when both procedures return true. How can I check this?
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    Android Question Round marker for Google Maps

    I'm sorry, it's my mistake. The red marker has constant coordinates, the blue one changes over time.
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    Android Question Round marker for Google Maps

    Я создал на карте круглый красный маркер и поместил его в место, определенное Google Maps — синий маркер. Из рисунка видно, что красный маркер показывает место не центром, а нижним краем. Как переместить маркер в нужное положение?
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    Android Example Very simple GPS Program

    When installing, it says that the application is for older versions of Android. Can be corrected?