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  1. J

    Android Question B4XPage_CloseRequest was not found.

    Hello all When clicking the back button my app crashes. I was under the impression I could use Private Sub B4XPage_CloseRequest As ResumableSub to detect when the back button was clicked to return to the main page. Have I missed something?
  2. J

    Android Question Bytes converter. Can someone help me with my confusion with IntsFromBytes

    Hello. I am sending datetimes from a microcontroller as a byte array. It took me so long to work out how to get the data into b4x. My confusion was around LongsFromBytes and IntsFromBytes. The code here is working but I don't understand why the value is stored in "dtime()" and not "dtime" (the...
  3. J

    Android Question how to get bytes from BLE communication

    Hello Using the BLE example I can see my byte array from my BLE peripheral by hovering over Characteristics.Get(ServiceId)) with a break point. I just need help getting the array into something. I just can't work it out. Dim bc As ByteConverter ' Dim KeyCode As String For Each...
  4. J

    Android Question send timeticks (long from datetime) over BLE

    Hello I clearly don't understand how to use byteconvert. I have a long derived from a datetime dialog (yesterday's post). I now need to convert it into a byte array (manager.WriteData(data() as byte) I am confused. So my result from my date time picker for example is: 1714156680 (0x662BF488) How...
  5. J

    Android Question Get time and date since epoch with time dialog

    Hello. I want to send a time/date over bluetooth BLE and thought the easiest way was to send it in seconds since epoch. (What I get from DateTime.Now) I copied something I have used in the past as a time picker and stripped out all the datetime.GetHour stuff hoping I would get what I need...