Search results

  1. Erel

    B4A Library [B4X] MediaChooser - cross platform videos and images chooser

    This library makes it simple to let the user choose or capture media. Features: Allows the user to capture videos and still pictures (B4A and B4i only). Allows the user to pick videos and pictures. Very easy to use together with SimpleMediaManager. Detects images mime types. Jpeg and Gifs...
  2. Erel

    B4A Library [class] ML Kit Subject Segmentation Input: image Output: image with main subject See attached project. Don't miss the #AdditionalJars in the main module and the manifest editor snippets. Usage: Private Sub Button1_Click Dim cc As ContentChooser...
  3. Erel

    B4A Library [class] DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit

    This class allows using ML Kit to scan documents: It requires some configuration: 1. Open B4A Sdk Manager. Search for mlkit and install all items. 2. Main module: #AdditionalJar...
  4. Erel

    B4A Library [B4X] SimpleMediaManager (SMM) - framework for images, videos and more

    This is a simple to use, cross platform library, that does many complex things under the hood. The developer calls SetMedia with a placeholder panel and a url. The panel will show an image, video or animated gif (more formats will be added). 'Show a remote image / video / animated gif in...
  5. Erel

    Google +1

    New +1 button was added to the main page: Android programming with Gui designer - Basic4android Users with Google accounts (gmail) are more than welcomed to +1 us :)
  6. Erel

    Android Tutorial Android shake event with PhoneSensors

    Using the phone accelerometer it is possible to handle shake events. The problem is of course to decide if the stream of values represents a shake. The Shake code module finds shake patterns and raises a ShakeEvent when such occurs. Using the Shake module is simple. Add Shake.bas code module...
  7. Erel

    Android Tutorial Android Arkanoid game example

    This is a "bare" arkanoid game: The code is made of 4 modules: Main - main activity. Also holds the main timer that is running the game. Ball - code module. Responsible for moving the ball and checking for hits. Slider - code module. Responsible for moving the slider. It also draws a red...
  8. Erel

    Android Tutorial StateManager - Helps managing Android applications settings and state

    Edit: StateManager was written in 2011. I don't recommend using it for new projects. Use B4XPages + KVS2 instead. StateManager is a code module which takes care of handling the application UI state and settings. Settings Settings are the application configurable settings. These settings should...
  9. Erel

    Android Tutorial Access any database or system with B4AServer

    Users who are not familiar with B4AServer project should start with this tutorial. It is sometimes much easier to access data from a desktop than to access the data directly from the Android device. Using B4AServer, a device can connect to the desktop server, run a program that will dump the...
  10. Erel

    Android Tutorial Managing deployment of multiple applications on multiple devices with B4AServer

    This is an example of how we can use B4AServer to manage the deployment and updates of multiple Android applications on multiple devices. It works in the following way: - The device application wants to check for updates. - It connects to the desktop server and downloads a CSV file that lists...
  11. Erel

    Basic4android Standard version - Price change

    Starting from Sunday 19, June 2011 the price for the Standard version will be updated to 49$ (currently it is 39$).
  12. Erel

    B4AServer files

    The files for B4AServer are available here. See this link for more information about B4AServer: The device project includes a simple...
  13. Erel

    B4AServer - simplifies development of enterprise in-house Android applications

    B4AServer is now deprecated. There are simpler and more powerful solutions available with B4J. Overview B4AServer is now available. The purpose of B4AServer is to simplify development of in-house applications. B4AServer makes it simple to reliably communicate one or more Android devices with a...
  14. Erel

    DNS problems - Did you encounter such problems here?

    There is a "mystery" dns problem with our new server that appears to occur randomly. Did you encounter such problems recently? When such a problem occurs the forum responds with a 404 error and the main page shows the following message: "We are currently facing a dns problem. You can access...
  15. Erel

    B4AServer - Simple way to connect Android devices to a desktop server

    Edit: B4AServer is now available here: This is a proof of concept of a mini-project which will soon be available. The purpose of this project is to...
  16. Erel

    Android Tutorial Hello World - Video example

    The following video is an example of creating a hello world application: YouTube - ‪Basic4android - Hello world‬‏ Note that there is one step missing in the video. When you first run your program it asks you to enter your application package name and your application label name. The...
  17. Erel

    Other Basic4android community wiki

    As previously discussed I've added a community wiki to this site. Main Page - Basic4android Wiki Currently the wiki is empty. Users who like to contribute from their knowledge and experience are welcomed to register in the wiki and start sharing.
  18. Erel

    B4A Library RandomAccessFile - V1.15 - Android gzip and zlib compressions

    This update adds support for gzip and zlib compression. It allows you to wrap an input stream or output stream and then decompress data while reading or compress data while writing. It also supports in-memory compression and decompression. A full example is available in the manual...
  19. Erel

    Android Tutorial Android SQLite Viewer

    SQLite Viewer is an open source application that allows you to view the contents of SQLite databases right from your Android device. Choosing the database file is done with an external file manager or with agraham's FileDialog. After choosing a database file, you will see a list with the...
  20. Erel

    Android Tutorial HttpUtils - Android web services are now simple!

    OkHttpUtils2 is now available. OkHttpUtils2 is an improved version and is recommended for new projects. You shouldn't use HttpUtils (v1)! HttpUtils is made of a code module and a service module. These two modules make it very simple to download online resources and upload data. The advantages...