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  1. A

    GPS - outofmemoryexception since WM6

    Hello guys, I have a problem that I can`t solve since I updated my PPC to WM6. If I use a GPS-program then I get the error: "outofmemoryexception" in codeline : If serial.InBufferCount>0 Then GPS.GPSStream(Serial.InputString) I`m already using the serial2.dll (didn`t work at all...
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    Measuring distance on move

    I have made a small application to measure the distance on moving. By now I`ve only tested it at 6 to 10 km/h. And so far it worked not bad, but there are still some bugs that I didn`t get rid of yet. I think one problem is that the timers should work syncronised, but I don`t know how to...
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    Format exeption - why?

    Hello, :sign0013: i have a small problem, but can`t find the solution since hours. I wrote a very small GPS-program and try to convert the speedoverground to Km/h. this works fine: textbox1.text = gps.speedoverground this doesn`t: textbox1.text = gps.speedoverground * 1.852...